canfitpro Healthy Club and Studio: A Smart Checklist for Success

Our Mission is to provide SMART guidance to Fitness Clubs and Studios reopening to members.
Note: The following are recommendations to be used as guidance, and in no means are intended to be enforced by canfitpro on any of the clubs/studios across Canada.
S – Safe and sanitized
M – Member-centric
A – Associate-supported
R – Return to service in a
T – Timely and trusted manner
▢ Attend regular ongoing training sessions on how to properly disinfect the club/studio and equipment, manage Members on how to maintain proper physical distancing, how to spot unusual Member or Staff symptoms relating to illness, how and when to wear PPE, and follow the club/studio’s rules.
▢ Assigned Staff member to walk the entire facility every hour with Daily Cleaning Schedule to ensure cleaning requirements are met Fill-out and sign form* regarding current health status, upon arrival to the club/studio for their shift.
▢ Mandate the use of face masks for all Staff.
▢ Ensure temperature checks and hand sanitizer use prior to/ upon entering the club/studio via touchless thermometers. Individuals with a body temperature greater than 100.4 °F (38 °C) will be not be permitted entry into the club/studio.
▢ Scanless check-in using club/studio App to eliminate the need to scan Member barcodes at check- in.
▢ Mandate capacity protocols for when capacity in the club/studio has been reached; bookings to be closed for that timeslot. Decide if and how ‘Walk-In’ will be permitted and/or managed.
▢ Place post signs at all business entrances to notify Members that they must not enter if they have symptoms of COVID-19. Signs should be posted throughout the club/studio to make Members aware of the two metre (6 ft.) physical distancing requirements, enhanced sanitation procedures (including reminders for Members to wipe equipment with disinfectant after each use), and any other instructions and limitations, as applicable.
▢ Fill-out and sign form* regarding current health status immediately upon arrival.
▢ Agree to all required procedures and protocols before and during their visit, making sure they follow the guidelines effectively.
▢ Use hand sanitizer when entering the club/studio and frequently throughout their visit, and use of face mask at all times (as outlined by the club/studio).
▢ Use disinfectant wipes on equipment before and after use in addition to club/studio’s cleaning protocols.
▢ Use of appropriate disinfectants confirmed to be effective against SARS-CoV-2 by Health Canada.
▢ Close club/studio for 30 minutes after every 60-90 minutes of Member activity to reset and clean.
▢ Disinfect doorknobs, handles, rails, light switches, sanitizing stations, lockers, bathrooms, sinks, toilets, benches, locker keys, the front desk, keyboards, computers, phones, and Instructor equipment (microphone/stereo).
▢ All Staff to be trained on how to properly disinfect the club/studio and equipment, as well as manage Members on how to maintain proper physical distance, wear PPE, disinfect before and after any use of equipment, and follow the club/studio rules.
▢ Provide additional training to spot unusual Member or Staff symptoms relating to illness according to Health Canada guidelines, and to report it immediately to the Supervisor/General Manager or Franchisee.
▢ Create Daily Cleaning Schedule (for Staff & Members), and assign Staff member to walk the entire facility every hour to ensure cleaning requirements are met.
▢ Hire additional cleaning staff and have sufficient cleaning products available.
▢ Install protective barriers (e.g. Plexiglass) at the front desk and limit the number of Staff members permitted behind it at a time.
▢ Adjust operating hours to allow for thorough cleaning and disinfecting.
▢ Install directional arrows and signage throughout the club/studio, and entrance to ensure Members and Staff can maintain physical distancing of two metres (6 ft.).
▢ Reduce, remove, or relocate equipment where necessary to allow for physical distancing guidelines to be adhered to. Option to separate equipment with a protective barrier (eg. Plexiglass).
▢ Provide hand sanitizer stations or handwashing stations for Members and Staff throughout the club/studio and entrance, and encourage their use. Replenish continually to promote their importance/value in eliminating the spread.
▢ Designate available lockers to maintain physical distancing. Restrooms and sinks will also be designated to allow for physical distancing. Schedule a rotation for lockers so that they are not used back to back by Members; disinfect in-between uses.
▢ Encourage Members to arrive at the club/studio in workout clothes, and to avoid using locker rooms on site altogether. However, when locker rooms are used, a disinfectant spray or wipes should be available for Members.
▢ Eliminate touching or trying on of items before purchasing.
▢ Schedule cleaning and disinfecting of all shared surfaces every 30 minutes.
▢ Gloves and masks are required for all Staff members.
▢ Install a protective barrier (eg. Plexiglass) at each check-out station.
▢ Indicate with floor markers where Members can stand in line for purchase and pickup.
▢ Ensure Members and Personal Trainers always remain two metres (6 ft.) apart.
▢ Designate spaces exclusive for Personal Trainers where they can train their clients.
▢ Minimize touching surfaces or equipment during training sessions. E.g. spotting, picking up equipment for client.
▢ Personal Trainers and Members will be asked to follow all club/studio policies and protocols.
▢ Allow 30 minutes between training sessions for disinfecting surfaces and all equipment, following the club/studio schedule.
▢ Map out studio floors and equipment to ensure Members always remain two metres (6 ft.) apart during a class.
▢ Install additional signs directing Members on how to disinfect equipment before and after use, and to keep a safe physical distance from others.
▢ Install a pre-reservation system for Group Fitness Members to sign in for their class beforehand. Only those who pre-registered can be admitted to class.
▢ Open Studios 10 minutes before class start times.
▢ Members will be asked to follow all club/studio policies and protocols.
▢ Studios to be closed and unavailable for 30 minutes between group fitness classes for disinfecting surfaces and all equipment.
* Members and Staff should be asked the following questions when they arrive: 1. Do you have any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue or loss of appetite. 2. Are you, or anyone you are living with, either sick, self-isolating, or quarantined? 3. Any Member who answers ‘yes’ to the questions above, should not be permitted to enter the facility. It is recommended that anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 call their local health line for guidance.