Dark Sweet Cherry Almond Nice Cream square

By Tricia Silverman, RD, MBA

This is my go-to healthy indulgence. I love ice cream, but eat it sparingly due to the sugar and unsavory ingredients that are often added. NuTricia’s Dark Sweet Cherry Almond Nice Cream is a healthful and yummy treat that makes you feel like you are getting the real thing.

Serving: 1


  • 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries
  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ Tbsp almond butter (optional)
  • ½ cup soy milk or almond milk or skim milk


In a blender, blend all the ingredients, adding the milk slowly…you may need to add a little more or less milk depending on the consistency you desire.

Ideally, it should resemble the consistency of soft serve ice cream.

Nutrient Information

  • 210 Calories
  • 7 g Protein
  • 34 g Carbohydrate
  • 6 g Fat
  • 5 g Fiber
  • 0 Added sugar

Tricia Silverman is a registered dietitian, wellness coach, and fitness instructor.

She’s a canfitpro 2019 conference presenter, and 2018 SCW Fitness Florida Convention Presenter of the Year.

She created and leads the SCW Nutrition for Active Aging Certification.