How to Make Running Part of Your Life

Running is a great form of exercise for burning calories, cardio endurance, and enjoying the outdoors. Here are some tips to make running a part of your life and your training routine:
Training – decide on the best training program for you. If you want to join an organized group check out what is available in your community, talk to friends for referrals, or download a training program online. Having a pre-designed program will help you work towards any running goals you have and keep you accountable along the way. Running indoors on a treadmill is also a good option, but schedule it in so you stay committed. Set a goal for time or distance covered and track your progress to keep you motivated.
Cross train – be sure to complement your running with some strength and flexibility exercises to prevent injury, improve speed, and build endurance. Recommendations include lunges and core training for strength, yoga or dynamic stretch for flexibility, and cycling or swimming for cross training. A personal trainer can also design a great program for you.
“If you don’t mind running with others, join a running group or start one up with friends. Having the support of people who had the same goal helped motivate me to keep going when it was too cold, too hot, too windy, I was too tired, too busy, etc. My running group kept me accountable to the goal that I had set for myself and helped me see it through to the finish (line )!” –Andrea McLeod, completed her first marathon October 2010 in San Francisco! |