One-on-one with Nadine VandenHeuvel

Get to know Nadine VandenHeuvel and her journey to becoming the 2016 Personal Training Specialist of the Year.
How did you first get involved in the fitness industry?
Sports were my life growing up, specifically hockey. I was recruited by the University of Waterloo to play varsity hockey and had a very strict training program in order to maintain my position as a player on the team. Therefore my own fitness regime experience got me started in the fitness industry, as I was quite experienced in it after many years of my own training. While finishing up my final year of University I wanted to share my passion and experience of my sports and fitness background so I started my Fitness Career in 2007 with the Personal Trainer Specialist Certification from canfitpro.
After graduating from university, I moved back home to my small town of 8000 people. In January 2011, I decided I was going to create something in my town that everyone knew about, heard about and wanted to be a part of. This was the beginning of my fitness business which now serves well over 500 individuals, some of which still are members from our opening day.
How has your focus on fitness changed your life or that of others?
To tell you the truth, when I first received my canfitpro Personal Training Certification, my goal was to train young athletes, specifically for hockey. BUT…I had a couple of friends and their mom’s convinced me to start a boot camp in the park just for fun and then I realized how rewarding ‘average everyday people’s successes were. The fact is that young athletes are great, but you might only train one or two ‘big shot’s but you can train hundreds of moms out there who are desperate to drop that 25, 50, 100+lbs so they feel better about themselves and so they can keep up with their kids. My passion to help transform the lives of as many people as I possibly can in any way possible is very strong and it continues to grow everyday as my clients inspire me with their dedication and discipline, they truly are the inspirational parts of my success.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learned through your fitness or life experience?
I wouldn’t be where I am today, as successful as I am, Personal Training of the Year without investing in a business coach and asking for help. Don’t get me wrong, I would of done ALRIGHT but no one should settle for “ALRIGHT”. People are crying themselves to sleep right now because they are overweight, unhappy and miserable and they need our help and our expertise. Therefore investing in self development and a business coach is definitely the more valuable lesson I have learned over the years. And when you start rockin’ it as a Fitness Pro, be sure to pay it forward and help some other new people to the industry because if we all work together we will help reduce the epidemic of obesity.
What does being named 2016 Personal Training Specialist of the Year mean to you?
To be nationally recognized in my profession is an honour and it will inspire me to continue to live my passion to the fullest. A lot of late nights, early mornings, sweat and tears went into where I am today and it feels great to achieve this award amongst so many tremendous fitness pros. Every day I am awarded with clients that come up to me and let me know how much my program has changed their life which is amazing so if this award can help me reach and change more lives for the better then I cannot wait what the future has in store!