Matthew Wallden
Matthew Wallden originally qualified as an osteopath and naturopath in London. Later, while working clinically and lecturing on osteopathic technique, he completed a post-graduate Master’s degree in Osteopathic Medicine before embarking on the CHEK Practitioner Program. He has consulted for various top sports teams including Chelsea Football Club, Charlton Athletic Football Club, and Surrey County Cricket Club. As a corrective exercise specialist, Matthew has lectured at four major UK osteopathic colleges and on many post-graduate courses for medical, rehabilitation, and fitness professionals. Matthew has spoken at many international conferences, runs various professional forums, and has written a number of peer-reviewed articles. Matthew’s work is his passion; he loves to help people to better health through coaching and treating patients, and teaching other practitioners. Matthew is proud to be a faculty member at the CHEK Institute; the work of whom has fully embraced and epitomized the ideals Matthew has always driven towards.