Stephanie Dupuis

Stephanie is the Vice President of Personal Training and Nutrition at the GoodLife Fitness Clubs. She began her career in fitness while in university completing her degree in mathematics in 1994 in Windsor, Ontario. Stephanie quickly realized her passion for helping others to adopt fitness and health into their lives and launched her Personal Training career. For 28 years, Stephanie has been a leader in many areas of the Fitness and Personal Training industry and lives what she breathes, still working with a Personal Trainer herself. Stephanie loves to explore all avenues of fitness and has used fitness to overcome injuries and physical setbacks. She is an avid runner competing in half marathons and 10 km races regularly, and has recently uncovered her passion for Olympic lifting. She is a firm believer that strength and resistance training empowers women from all walks of life- building their confidence and allowing them to be the best version of themselves.