Planning for Program Diversity – How Your Offerings Dictate Your Audience

Young african american man doing squat exercise at group fitness training, sporty black guy focused on self-improvement working out with diverse active people in gym studio during routine session

The conversation of diversity and inclusion in the fitness industry continues to grow. Fostering diversity and inclusion in our industry so that everyone has a seat at the table and the opportunity to have their voices heard is a valuable and progressive step. Attracting, engaging and retaining a more diverse audience will strengthen and benefit…

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We’re Closed

Young man fitness workout, elbow plank

Once again, many Fitness Clubs and Studios across Canada are being forced to close their doors.  The solitary unknown is, for how long?  This past Spring, when doors closed to flatten the curve and the spread of the virus, no one knew that it would be several months before they would reopen or the residual…

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Industry Strong – How COVID-19 can help us be better!


We will not soon forget the year 2020.  We started flattening the curve in the spring and social distancing in the summer, what will the Fall bring our way? Indeed, everyone will have a story to share including the many personal experiences like virtual weddings, funerals, birthdays, and fitness conferences to name a few.  We…

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