The Value Beyond the Screen

The Functional Movement Screen surveys seven fundamental movement patterns to help determine an individual’s current movement abilities. And while this information is a wealth of valuable knowledge, it’s also important to look beyond the screening process itself to understand the true value of the FMS. Let’s take a look at some of the broader benefits of using the Functional Movement Screen in your fitness business.

One of the most substantial advantages of using the FMS as your entry point to training is that it will help you make better decisions regarding your clients’ health and fitness. The screen accomplishes this by providing you with a “birds-eye view” perspective of your clients’ current movement status. Equipped with this information, you can make better decisions about program specifics like selecting movement patterns that are ready to be developed, determining which patterns may require a more foundational approach such as corrective exercise, or in some cases, deciding when a referral is needed. The outcome here is simple: when you make better decisions in your client management and program design your clients see better results.
How often have you found yourself uncertain about what exercises to add to your client’s program? It’s a challenge all fitness professionals encounter at one time or another: immobilized by the number of options and variables that go into a training program.
The FMS is a great remedy for this dilemma. When used as your starting point, it provides you with a solid foundation and just enough structure so your training maintains purpose and direction. Remember: purposeful training is what fosters coaching confidence. When you have a reason for selecting an exercise or designing a program in a certain way, you exude confidence. And I am sure we can all agree that confidence in your coaching methods is the key to delivering high energy, engaging and effective training sessions.
It is no secret that sedentarism has become a global health crisis. It’s also evident that it is going to require a collective effort from fitness and health care professionals to inspire individuals to get (and remain) active. As a fitness professional implementing the FMS, you become a resource for health professionals such as physiotherapists, chiropractors, and doctors who are looking for trainers to work with their patients. Using the screen brings trust you are making appropriate decisions by using a metric. You share a common system with these health care providers which allows you to work together and build a mutually beneficial referral relationship.

To know whether your corrective exercises, training, or lifestyle recommendations are having a positive effect on your clients’ movement behaviour, you need to establish a baseline. This is exactly what the Functional Movement Screen determines: our movement baseline. When you know this information, it helps you understand if you are being effective and if not, it alerts you that it’s time to modify the approach. Applying this mindset, you are constantly rechecking the movement baseline and looking for new and improved ways to help your clients.
The tools you use in the operations of your business say a lot about your guiding principles. By having a Functional Movement Screen kit in your gym, what does that say about you and your organization? It shows that by performing your due diligence (ie screening before you begin training), and that you truly care about your clients’ health and wellness.
A brand is the way a company, organization, or individual is perceived by those who experience it. The Functional Movement Screen offers your prospective clients an engaging customer experience and an opportunity to get to know you. In turn, you’re able to display your expertise and offer a solution to their problem. This is a great way to build connections and brand resonance with your target market without relying on just your Instagram posts. (Although they can be helpful too. #movewithfms)
“No man (or woman) is an island” is a famous quote from an English poet and it is more
relevant today than ever. In a time where the fitness industry is being asked to follow certain guidelines that keep us apart, it’s important to stay connected any way we can. As a part of the global FMS community, you get access to continuing education resources, an extensive exercise library, an interactive forum, and much more. Most importantly you become part of a global collective of fitness and healthcare professionals dedicated to helping everyone first move well and then move often.