Top 3 Ways To Rock Your Social Media

For any wellness pro or company, social media has become one of the main channels of communication with our clients.
If you want to attract more professional abundance, you’ve got to use social media – and use it well.

Now more than ever, as the pandemic drags on, online competition has risen sharply. Client finances are tight, which can be a recipe for financial disaster for yoga teachers, fitness trainers, studio owners…Basically, all those who rely on developing lasting relationships with their communities.
It’s crucial for you to quickly optimize your social media reach to keep yourself in business, whether you plan to offer virtual services, turn toward in-person instruction again, or a little of both.
Aren’t comfortable with technology? Don’t worry – you don’t have to be a computer geek to bring your best clients to you.
You can use social media in a positive way that serves others and showcases your unique expertise, which can lead to more financial freedom.
But how?
Here are my Top 3 Ways To Rock Your Social Media.
They’ve helped me grow my online audience to over a quarter of a million interested people, even during the past year. And I notice that 100% of less successful wellness pros don’t do at least one of the following on their pages.
They may seem simple, but they are extremely effective. They form the foundation on which all growing platforms are built. Neglect even one, and your foundation will crumble. Keep it strong, and you’ll thrive!
Let’s get to it!
1. Make every post an appetizer. Not a dry morsel, nor the full meal
The idea of a “value-based post” is widely misunderstood by less impactful accounts.
Posting photos of your life with short captions “Having some summer fun!”, an image of your meal, or an announcement post about an upcoming class are all ways to bore your audience.
Nearly all of the accounts I see (from professionals who I know have tons of interesting expertise) make this mistake.
Think of your posts as an appetizer to the main meal; your paid full classes, sessions, trainings, workshops, book, merchandise.
Here’s an example of what I create!
Pro Tip: Curate Your Shooting Space
Whatever you post should be juicy (valuable to the client) but also bite-sized. Most social media pages either give too little – or too much! When you offer entire classes, sessions, or online products for free, your audience won’t value it as much when you ask them to purchase the same type of thing. They are far less likely to pay you for the something they can get for free on your pages.
Find your balance between giving valuable tips and tutorials or short workouts, and pointing them towards a larger version of them should they want to dive deeper with you.
2. Create connection within your content
Numbers don’t matter as much as social media would have us believe. Audience interest & engagement does.
Relying on quick growth sites or buying followers only confuses the algorithms and slows your success. Attracting 10 new, engaged people who choose to follow you is worth 1000 fake or less interested ones!
You do this by being a real person – one who is truly interested in creating conversations with your community.
Here are some quick ways to do this!
- Start a newsletter, to reach more of your most interested audience & ensure you have their contact information apart from social media.
- Offer something exclusive and free in your newsletters and share that you’re doing this in advance on your social pages to boost signups!
- Have a newsletter signup on your website – I use Campsite) – or send your newsletter through a service like Mailchimp, twice a month.
- Post conversation-starting things, like a solution to a common issue your clients have, or an empowering quote and personal story about your life. Then ask them what they think about it or if the post was useful for them!
- Encourage them to bookmark or share the post or @ a friend who could use the information.
- Regular giveaways in partnership with another page’s products are a great way to organically boost your following (they either sign up for your newsletter or @ 3 people and follow both pages to enter – and you pick one as the winner).
3. Reel them in

I encourage each of you to turn toward video as the main means of delivering your online information. Video is more engaging, more immediate, and is shown to keep people watching for longer.
Instagram Stories and Lives (pushed to your Facebook Story), Facebook Lives on the main page, pre-filmed videos that add value in the form of tips, attention to an upcoming event, or inspiration/motivation are all important.
But if I had to choose just one way to offer video teaching, I’d pick Instagram Reels. They are easy to make (find tons of tutorials online), can include text, since many people watch with their phone’s sound off – and are not limited by the algorithm as much as, say, a Facebook post is these days.
Understand that if you put the right kind of focus and energy into your online relationships, you’ll get freedom in return: freedom to choose when and where you want to work, and freedom from financial stress and career anxiety.
I’ve helped so many people to do this, and I know you can do it, too. You have your own unique voice and style, experiences and lessons learned that no one else can claim.
Remember as you go along this path that, like any relationship, if you put care and consistency into it, it will bloom. If not, it will wither, and you’ll wonder why.
Now you know, and can move forward into even more service, more creativity and interaction – online and off.
Now go rock it – your way!
Photo credit: James St. Vincent