Chelsea Smith
Chelsea Smith
Most people don’t know this about me, but I actually struggled in school growing up. I had perfect attendance but it took me 10x the effort to absorb knowledge than my classmates. The difficulty only got increasingly harder through college, but I knew if I just had someone to teach me effectively in a way that was simple to understand & take a different approach then stuffing my nose in a textbook I would do fine. I knew this because my 12th grade english teacher took a unique approach to teaching and I received the subject award that year for the highest grade. His teaching style has been forever engraved in my mind since. What inspires me, is delivering education and knowledge in a capacity that is digestible (pun intended). Seeing students get marks on their exams in the high 90’s and being so proud of themselves, fuels me to no end. Seeing them “get it” and shine when presenting their case studies is such a beautiful experience and keeps me inspired to continue delivering education that has a well thought out delivery. All circling back to the topic that is so important in our current world; the nourishment we give our beautiful bodies.