Simone Julien Sparks

Simone Julien Sparks 

As a health and wellness enthusiast and practitioner, I have ventured into a number of realms of practice. I started with my own personal development with various programming types based on different goal sets and continue to explore different regimes of practice that this industry has to offer. I have also delved into the instructional side running group fitness courses for adults and kids as well as teaching academic fitness courses at the college level. With a strong background in teaching and coaching, I currently invest my time in the recreation and wellness sector at the university level where I support and manage young adults and two fitness centres. I love my work with canfitpro, allowing me to connect with future fitness professionals at the ground floor in PTS courses and exams. I advocate for everyone to find their best way as one program, one diet, one approach does not fit all. Every body is different, unique and beautiful !