Career Centre


Job Postings are posted for a maximum of 60 days and are promoted on, social media channels and our Monthly e-Newsletter.



Please use the following guidelines when submitting a job posting. Failure to do so may result in the job posting being modified without prior notice or a delay in your posting.

When referring to canfitpro in your job posting, please use the official form of our company name: canfitpro

Job postings are formatted automatically. Information may be submitted in plain text, in paragraph or point form with bullets or dashes (bold, italics, underlining is not available)

Unless an earlier closing date is provided, jobs are posted for a period of 60 days after which the posting will be removed.

Duplicate postings for the same club, business or organization are not permitted.

Postings may be re-submitted for a subsequent 60 day posting period.

The business or organization submitting the job posting is responsible for spelling and grammar. canfitpro reserves the right to refuse any job posting at our discretion.

Submit your logo electronically in a 72 dpi, low resolution, RGB format, JPG or PNG file. Logos should be a maximum size of 500 pixels wide and 500 pixels tall.

Business Rewards Members and canfitpro Sponsor logos* are kept on file once submitted.

*It is the responsibility of Business Members and Sponsors to ensure canfitpro has their correct logo on file.

canfitpro reserves the right to change policies, procedures, or pricing without notice. Submissions will be reviewed and posted within 48 hours of submission if approved.

Job Postings

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Not a Business Member?

You can purchase 12 job postings for $399 + tax. Or you can become a Business Member for the same price, which will include job postings plus ALL the benefits of this program.

Sharing knowledge with clients increases their success

For more information on pricing contact us:

Phone: 416-493-3515
Toll-free Number: 1-800-667-5622

Sharing knowledge with clients increases their success