The arrival of spring brings innovation, revitalized energy, new beginnings, and fresh growth. As we enter a new period of quarterly growth, this is a time to seize the energy of renewal to help your fitness business soar to the next level.

Overcoming procrastination is crucial for business growth and longevity. Everyone faces procrastination in some aspect of their work and lives and the time you spend waiting and not acting could help you grow further, faster. Identifying the causes of procrastination for yourself and in your business is one step to help you outgrow it.

To boost your business this quarter, consider these four questions to enhance your motivation and set some ambitious goals for growth. We hope that the advice and action steps provided in this blog will enable you and your business to flourish and thrive in the upcoming season and beyond.

What Is Your WHY?

Returning to your roots, or the reason you got started in your current business, is a key step to reconnect with your motivation. Reflect on the vision, mission, and values of your company. What got you started and what difference do you want to make in the world? For example, our vision at canfitpro is to deliver accessible learning experiences to a global audience, making fitness and mental health part of personal wellness for everyone.

Rediscovering the passion that ignited your journey can be a catalyst for renewed motivation and future success. Reconnecting with that reason and energy can give you the boost you need to get moving again and build momentum. The key to overcoming procrastination is to inspire action in yourself and those around you.

Where Do You Want to Be in Your Business and By When?

Having a vision and knowing the reason you exist is important. But manifesting those goals comes down to how you plan to get there. Procrastination can set in if you do not think about when. Having deadlines for our goals means it is important, keeps us accountable, and helps us set priorities to combat procrastination.

Procrastination can occur when we lack clarity about our goals, and the steps needed to achieve them. You need to get clear on your areas for growth and make a plan to get you there. One approach is to set S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) Goals. These kinds of goals are tangible and add a level of clarity to our fitness business vision. As we embark on a new quarter, it is crucial to redefine our business objectives, aligning them with both short-term and long-term visions. Harness this energy to refine your destination and establish clear, achievable goals for your journey ahead.

Who Are the Like-Minded Leaders You Need to Meet to Support Your Growth?

Lack of the right knowledge and support from others can also contribute to our tendency to procrastinate. One way to boost motivation and overcome procrastination is to surround yourself with ambitious leaders who share your mindset for growth. Another essential step to ensuring the growth of your business is obtaining the necessary knowledge to reach your goals. You might not realize that you are missing something until you connect with someone who has that knowledge or experience and opens your eyes to this. This fact highlights the importance and value of networking.

Want to enhance your knowledge and network while making important connections? The canfitpro Global Conference and Trade Show is quickly approaching! This is once-a-year, not-to-be-missed opportunity for your personal growth as a fitness business leader and connecting with other industry leaders from across the country and around the world. As a canfitpro Business Member, you will benefit from a discount on your registration! If you are not yet a canfitpro Business Member, you can learn more and sign-up for the Business Membership here. Come and join us in Toronto on August 9th and 10th for the most anticipated fitness learning and workout experiences of the year. This is the place to be for meeting like-minded fitness professionals, leaders, and business owners who share your interests and commitment.

How Sustainable is Your Fitness Business?

On Monday April 22, we celebrate Earth Day. This is an important occasion where we reflect on long-term environmental sustainability, what it means, and how we can contribute. In terms of your company, think about ways to minimize your environmental footprint and support sustainability. Even the smallest action taken today can add to long-term and much needed change.

Sustainability is a broad concept that can be applied to more than just the environment. As per question two above, it is important to set goals, and not just short-term goals, for this quarter. This quarter has the potential to be the start of so much if you take the initiative. Dare to dream big and envision where you want your business, and your life, to be in the next five to 10 years. How many lives can you transform and what kind of impact can you have on the world during that time? How will your life be better because of the contribution your business will make in your community and the employees and members you serve? It is necessary to go beyond your comfort zone and have a fearless and audacious vision. Continuing to procrastinate for the next quarter, year, or five years, how will that affect the longevity, sustainability, and success of your fitness business?

Words to live by:

If nothing changes, nothing changes. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’re going to keep getting what you’re getting. You want change, make some.” Courtney C Stevens

Maureen (Mo) Hagan
Maureen (Mo) Hagan

Maureen (Mo) Hagan is COO at canfitpro, and a global fitness ambassador recognized for her leadership in the fitness industry that spans almost four decades. She is an international award-winning fitness professional and her passion for moving people extends beyond the fitness industry as a licensed physiotherapist and with her work on the Canadian National Board of Directors for Prescription To Get Active.