There is a growing crisis in Canada regarding the lack of hormone health support for mid-life individuals. Patients seeking guidance about the debilitating symptoms of menopause and andropause face exceedingly long wait times, a lack of specialists and access to thorough testing.

Hormonal imbalances that cause menopause and andropause:

Menopause occurs after 12 consecutive months without a menstrual cycle, typically occurring in women in their mid-thirties to early fifties due to declining follicles and hormonal changes in the ovaries. This decline includes decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone, essential for crucial bodily functions.

Andropause denotes a rapid decline in testosterone levels, starting in men’s thirties at a rate of 1% annually. Depleted testosterone levels may lead to health issues later in life, necessitating medical attention for analysis, understanding, and treatment of the imbalance.

Hormone Optimization and Fitness

Depletion of estrogen and progesterone in women causes various issues, including mental health concerns, vasomotor symptoms, decreased bone density, weight gain, fatigue, and reduced sex drive. Men may also experience muscle and bone loss, increased belly fat, cardiovascular issues, and diminished sex drive due to declining testosterone levels.

Hence, it becomes imperative to maintain steady hormone levels for people facing imbalances. Maintaining an active lifestyle is one of the keys to a happy and healthy life. The endorphins released while being physically active strengthen both body and mind and can complement the path to recovery and should be practiced alongside hormone replacement therapy.

How does Science & Humans help with hormone imbalances?

Hormone imbalances, which lead to significant lifestyle issues, can be treated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Natural hormones, known as bioidentical hormones (bHRT), are synthesized from natural sources to closely resemble endogenous hormones. For mid-life women, the most common form of bHRT we prescribe includes compounded creams and gels.

Our process begins with comprehensive bloodwork testing for over 20 biomarkers of health. Following analysis, patients will log on to see a clinician specializing in mid-life hormone health to assess their symptoms. Treatment plans are customized for each patient and prescriptions are delivered to their door!

What can YOU do to support mid-life clients?

By continuing to educate clients on the impacts of menopause and andropause you will stand out as a trusted fitness expert for clients. When you identify clients who need support with hormone optimization you will be able to provide them with a discount code and access to timely, evidence-based medical support through Science & Humans. Join us as an affiliate and follow the step-by-step instructions to receive compensation for each referral and client discounts through our affiliate program.

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